A heartwarming story about spreading Christmas cheer and kindness.
When Esme and Bear are unwrapping their Christmas presents they are surprised to discover a gift that isn't addressed to either of them. They set out - across the treacherous path, through the howling gale and over the deep, deep snow drift to make sure Little Bunny Boo Boo receives the most wonderful gift in the world.
This story is all about the importance of spending time with those you love. In a year of uncertainty and increased loneliness, where many of us are unsure whether we'll be allowed to gather with friends and family, this story could not feel more poignant.
Lucy Fleming's illustrations are incredibly sweet, with a cosy colour scheme and some adorable characters.
Thank you Little Tiger for sending us a copy to review.
The Most Wonderful Gift in the World is written by Mark Sperring and illustrated by Lucy Fleming