In a vanishing forest, Aasha the tiger walks alone, looking for sanctuary. Can she find a new place to call home, and someone to share it with?
The front cover of this picture book is really striking - all those trees marked for destruction, and the tiger alone in their midst! It signals the start of what is a very serious, sensitive book about the destruction of the natural world, and the devastating impact deforestation has on wildlife.
Ultimately, however, this book is hopeful for the future. Aasha and Teman the orangutang encounter many problems on their search for a new place to live, but they do find one, as well as other animals like them. The Last Tiger is a story about the necessity of acting now to prevent any real tiger ever becoming the 'last', rather than a story without hope. There is a glossary of terms at the back of the book, as well as a list of extinct and endangered animals, and a list of things you can do to help.
Jennie Poh's illustrations are beautiful. Aasha and Teman are really striking against the vibrant green backgrounds of their homes, but are even more impactful in the white and black spaces of destruction and deforestation. I also love the slightly smudgy, inky effect used for Aasha's stripes.
Thank you Little Tiger for sending a copy for review.
The Last Tiger is written by Becky Davies and illustrated by Jennie Poh