Everyone has feelings. From the excitement of flying a kite, to the loneliness that comes with feeling lost or out of place.
This beautiful picture book is a lovely exploration of the huge range of emotions children might experience in a single day. It follows a brother and sister at the beach as they navigate everything from happiness, to embarrassment and even anger.
This story gently shows young readers that it's okay to feel a whole range of emotions, and to experience them strongly, as well as including some suggestions on how to cope with them.
The illustrations are gorgeous. I loved how the weather and colours of the background often reflected the emotions on the page. There's a swirling red and purple storm when the brother gets angry, and a soft blue backdrop to his sister's sadness.
This is a picture book I can see us returning to again and again. Thank you Little Tiger for sending us a copy to review.
Sometimes, a Book of Feelings is written by Stephanie Stansbie and illustrated by Elisa Paganelli
Thank you Little Tiger for sending me a copy to review